Well sitting here listening to Alex Wagner on MSNBC. The - TopicsExpress


Well sitting here listening to Alex Wagner on MSNBC. The conversation is of course about the Affordable Health Care Act. Theyre talking about President Obamas visit to Texas to push the Act! Yeah! Hes definitely in enemy territory. Now, they say that Texas citizens more than 1 million are without health care; and theyre really in need of this program. Now the kicker is the fact that the Federal Government will pay for the program initially and pretty much foot the loins share in the future! But Texas, along with other red states are refusing to implement the program in their states! What a crock of poop! These folks have absolutely not compassion, nor do they care about the poor within their states! What the hell is wrong with these idiots!? Now, the part that really sets a fire under my butt is the fact that they all profess to be Good Christians! Hmmmm! I dont get it, does not their bible teach them to aid and help the poor, does not their bible state to love thy neighbor as thy self? They are the worst type of hypocrites they truly speak with forked tongues! They are comfortable in their estates, they and their families have health care and dont have to worry about anything! Yet, they forget that the same people you met on the way up, you will meet them on the way down! I believe without a doubt that HaShem will ultimately get tired of folks deliberately abusing the poor! We should all remember that There for the Grace of G-d go I! nuff said! a few seconds ago · Like
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 17:42:56 +0000

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