Well, thank God He dwells in Living Temples today! Because of - TopicsExpress


Well, thank God He dwells in Living Temples today! Because of that, I dont mourn the loss of the Temple the same way our Jewish brothers and sisters do. I would, however, LOVE for the opportunity, one day, to volunteer with the Temple Mount Sifting Project, for a week or so. Such experience would contribute, greatly, to my writing endeavor, where my novel series Father and Family with the first book His-Story Begins, follows human history from a Biblical perspective in novel format, told in historical fiction genre. My dream is to provide a unique way to stir the interest in and draw those who put the Bible aside to never get to know it all that well. My novel series would not be an attempt to replace the Bible, but to enhance Bible reading and study. It is my desire that my research and writing will address the confusion, leading some to put the Bible aside to never really pursue it further. Such confusion comes from a story that crosses eons of time, crosses realms and dimensions and contains hidden nuggets, within. Such nuggets are hidden for us by the author whos inspiration passed through many writers! In my quest to dig deep in order to unravel some of the mystery that surrounds Gods Holy Word, I have come to realize that such things are not hidden FROM us but FOR us because, with each new discovery or Rhema Word that comes from digging, one gets to know the Author of all creation, the One True God, that much more! It is awesome! If anyone would like to contribute to my aspirations of going on an archaeological dig with the Temple Mount Sifting Project or to the research and self-publication of my novel series, feel free to leave a comment. Such a transaction can very easily be done through Paypal. Such a contribution would NOT be tax deductible. All contributions, no matter how big or how small would be GREATLY appreciated! All contributors would get a free book every time a new one comes out within my series! Oh, and about the current unrest over there right now; I am protected! God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power love and a sound mind! 2 Timothy 1:7!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Nov 2014 18:19:31 +0000

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