Well, thank gohd it`s friday, pheew! Time to get outta heere; so I - TopicsExpress


Well, thank gohd it`s friday, pheew! Time to get outta heere; so I googled Bushwalks, for inspiration. And this pops out:" Camp`aint Trail, chose your state..." What da..."Next: Chose your Candidette"...hey! "Next: Blonde, Brunette, Redhaired, Ass(ia)orted"... Shakespeare! this is just not a walk on the wildside, Lou. This is plainly the beguining of the fall of the Go-man Empire your honor.. "Order, Orrder in da- house ya mongrels" shouts the add-u-dick-ater. Now, I am not easily spooked , but this here foray into relaxation is taking me out of the comfort of me paddock, cobber. So I reboot & reload as per the manual, & the screen fuzzes over like a old peach. . . And the phones around the building start ringing, cooeying , rapping & peeling, as they now can; & it`s one hell of a lasooing act to wrangle them within cooee... Mama Mia , Padre Santo, Espirito de Botella ... Que sucede??? And I pick up : Miguel speaking, says I - "this is a prerecorded message from the federal election c..." My instinct downs the receiver before the echo fades out . Made it by "this much" I tell you amigos. Frightening , like in Psycho, without the `delic bit... Walked outside, to the western corner of the house where the mains switch is housed, in compliance with by-orders standard, & before it could blink, I landed a single heartfelt blow ( Coup de Axe, en francois) through the feeder cable : SILENCE erupted forth, & in the words of me old mate Tom Waits, "small change got`a`rained on with his own 38, & this old cat ain`t comin out till this whole thin`cooools off..." Happy Election Blues Everybody!! & BOAS NOITES!!!
Posted on: Fri, 09 Aug 2013 14:11:45 +0000

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