Well thanks Obama, you no-good, lying, piece of crap, - TopicsExpress


Well thanks Obama, you no-good, lying, piece of crap, socialism-loving communist marxist. I just finished our annual healthcare enrollment. Guess what? Our plan is available with higher deductibles, higher co-pays, higher annual out-of-pocket maximums and for only, and I sincerely mean only, a 90% increase in price. Were the lucky ones I guess, being that our healthcare is through a Fortune 100 employer. At least we werent canceled. However, we cannot afford a 90% increase in premiums. We had to settle for a lesser plan with even higher deductibles, co-pays, etc. for a price increase of ONLY 45%. Some supporters of Obamacare may say its the insurance companies fault for raising the premiums. Well guess what? The insurance companies did not prance all over the television the past 5 years PROMISING lower out of pocket healthcare expenses, PROMISING you can keep your plan, PROMISING you can keep your doctor. Obama did this without having a clue how these things operate. He has the economic and social experience of a 12 year old. Gee, maybe we should decorate the White House with unicorns and rainbows while were at it. Hes freaking clueless about what it is to provide for a household, have a normal career, and have real economic stresses of life. The middle-class is being run out of this country so that those who do not want to work, those that do not want to better themselves, those that want free crap, those that want to live in America illegally can have everything that we, the working class, have EARNED! Obama and the rest of the liberal morons want to keep doling out the free crap to those that havent earned so that the democraps can keep getting their votes until America resembles Russia in the early 20th century. Why they want that, I have no freaking idea. ITS TIME FOR EVERYONE TO WAKE THE HELL UP BEFORE ITS TOO LATE AND AMERICAN CAN NO LONGER RETURN TO ITS PREVIOUS GLORY. Theres a civil war quietly brewing in this country before our very eyes. Not since the days of Lincoln and slavery has there been so much of a divide in the direction of the American public. Someone in congress better grow a set of flippin balls and make a stand before its too late!
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 06:22:51 +0000

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