Well that settles all debates. I am definitely voting for - TopicsExpress


Well that settles all debates. I am definitely voting for Jeb. Jeb Bush is no innocent by stander during His brothers terms as President! Remember it was Jebbies State that had the CHAD problems. CHADS are either designed into machines or are a result of very old machines and are no accident. PERIOD! If the machines were old they would have shown the CHADS during tests to see if they still operated....Or the Leader of that state was so ignorant that a Rock could out think him. I dont think so. He de-nouncing his brother George because he knows what went down and does not want to be implicated when the crap hits the fan. In total hopes that the stupid people that voted for his brother George will again vote for him. The Bushs count on your Ignorance.... All the scandals Obama and the Dems were investigated for, non were found to have foundation. Yet, (1), Just one investigation of the Republicans and Damn! Has marit! So much that these three Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld turned on each other. Think about that. And you still believe their story about 9/11? Investigate it..............Here? Think about this.... As said, And as has been proven, Oh Jeb Bush is no innocent by-stander in of this: Bush/Cheney tortured and went into Iraq, after the wrong guy. Who did the Terrorists torture and how, to get all the info they had the morning of 9/11? Seems they got more correct info then we did? Think about that? Then carried out their attacks on the most heavily protected places on the planet with Dollar Store box cutters in about an hour or two. Accomplished their goal. While we on the other hand took our info and carried out our attack with Jets, missiles, troupes, etc... for over 7 years. and still didnt accomplish our goal. I still want to know how a few hi-jackers from another country knew classified information, such as; 1) Where all the papers for the missing 2.3 Trillion was stored at the Pentagon? WHERE THE SO CALLED PLANE HIT? 2) Where all the key locations were of the people and documents that would have sent many high up the chain AMERCAN Criminals to jail. WHERE 2 SO CALLED PLANS HIT? 3) How they knew the US was holding simulations at that exact time, on that exact day and in that exact place. That most fighter jets would be in Canada and Alaska. THAT SHOULD HAVE BE SUPER TOP SECRET? Even the news snoops had no clue the training was going on? There are many more Id like to know, but these three would be great for a starter. If there are any Americans not asking these questions, we are all in trouble. It will happen again! The US Crime of the Millennium! When a crime is gotten away with, it is always repeated. Count on it! You really want me to believe Bush and Cheneys story? REALLY? They are banking on your idiocy? AMERICAN PEOPLE SHOULD BE INSULTED BY THE BUSH/CHENEY LIES. Cheney is admitted he and Bush are war criminals. Says hed do it again. Time to reinvestigate 9/11 using all the facts and evidence. Evil Turns on its self and the rest when not controlled. Cheney throws Bush 2 under the bus, Bush three throws Bush 2 under the bus, a KKK member is about to throw the whole Republican party under the bus. Hell Bushs mother even threw him under the bus! And you, you would fallow him to the end of the cliff and jump with him. Evil Begets Evil!!!! Isnt that something like what they preach? WELL?
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 04:30:30 +0000

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