Well, thats my sleep pattern well and truly knackered. (Skip to - TopicsExpress


Well, thats my sleep pattern well and truly knackered. (Skip to the end for a brief description) After work Friday night I came home and watched some crap on the TV as per usual at around 5am. I fell asleep on the sofa at some early hour and woke up around 11:30 with chest paina and I mean searing chest pain mysteriously close to the heart area. Every breath I took in felt like I was being stabbed in a lung. Worse than the time i had cellulitis in my arm. Heather called for a paramedic whilst I sit up and concentrate on breathing and make groaning noises as the pain is getting worse. Had an ecg done at home. Long story short I vomited, then I ended up being taken to A&E around 12:30ish and wheeled in to a very overcrowded waiting area. Dont want to be sterotypical about it, but it was full of sad old people on trolleys in hallways and the staff looked like theyd been on shift for days. One of them glared at me in a wheelchair whilst I had a coughing fit and clutched my chest as it was agonising. Fast forward a couple of hours and I get seen by a GP who suggests I abandon the wheelchair as they need it for someone else. Systems have gone down so I need to give all my information again whilst taking shallow breaths so I dont pass out. Now my legs dont work as Im feeling knackered and weak so I trudge slowly to the x-ray department for a chest x-ray, where there are two Police guarding a young guy with large neck tattoos in one of those paper boiler suits and prison issue footwear (in the West Country, we call them daps). Will probably hear about him in the papers soon, Id imagine. I get my x-ray, then sent back to wait for the result and the GP calls me in again just as their systems have gone down again so he cant really tell me anything. I have my 2nd ecg of the day and then they take 4 phials of blood to analyse which should be done in a couple of hours. Then they call me in again about an hour later as they werent happy with my 2nd ecg. During the previous hour, Id painfully removed all the little sticky pads, which then had to be re-applied to the now sore skin Id removed them from. 3rd ecg went well so they sent that back to the doctor and I hobbled back to the waiting room once again. Id not been given anything for the pain but I was just concentrating on my maths puzzle game on my phone and trying not to breathe too heavily as that seemed to agitate whatever it is. Then I get called to see the GP again. RESULTS TIME: We dont know what the problem is. And our systems have gone down yet again, but I have been able to see your x-ray which is completely clear as is the sound of your lungs Im feeling quite relieved at this point But there is something quite odd about your blood... Oh here we go then. Diagnosis time... Hit me with it, doc. You know when people have anemia its down to too few red blood cells? Well, you have the opposite of that, around 10% more than is healthy but we also dont have any idea why that should land on your chest. Take paracetomol for the pain, the rest should sort itself out. Try and speak to your doctor before Xmas and you can go now So that explained that then. Only took 6 hours end to end. By the time I got the bus home and walked up the road home (slowly) I realise that Ive only had 2 hours sleep in the last 24, quarter of which has been spent in the hospital. I had to cancel my evening shift, which thankfully Heather could do instead. TL;DR - Woke up with excruciating chest pain, went to hospital, wasnt a heart attack. Doctors didnt find the cause of it, but found something else instead which isnt life threatening. Missed work for one night. Still tired. Work this evening providing I dont die or anything ;)
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 12:15:06 +0000

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