Well the 25th Airlie Beach Race week is in full swing and what a - TopicsExpress


Well the 25th Airlie Beach Race week is in full swing and what a start it has been! The strongest winds we have had for such a series recorded. With the first day blowing 25 to 30kts plus, there was lot of carnage among the boats which resulted with a thinning of the fleet. 4 boats lost their rudders, 2 boats lost their rigs and one even flipped over and started sinking! A lot of skill, concentration and I’m going to say it ‘balls’ and a little bit of insanity’ is required to fly kites in these conditions, and to our fearless leaders credit we are all still in one piece and we haven’t broken anything as yet! The prediction for this week’s weather is for very strong winds for the rest of the week so it’s going to stay interesting to say the least For all of you who are following our progress 1st day resulted with us crossing the line 2nd and 6th on handicap. 2nd day’s result 2nd over the line and 5th on handicap. Still 4 days left so anything can happen so stay tuned! Big thanks to Julie our sponsors wife for braving it and coming along for the first two days and taking these photos
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 22:02:32 +0000

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