Well....the BEST explanation of the rort we are being fed by last - TopicsExpress


Well....the BEST explanation of the rort we are being fed by last century coal companies and this fossil-fool government was just on this 4 Corners episode. A MUST watch if you missed it tonight. Go to iView online to watch it. abc.net.au/4corners Stephen Long visits a massive solar farm that not only takes energy from the sun, but can also store it in a massive salt crystal tower. In time, the farm will power the bright lights of Las Vegas. Meanwhile, back in Australia the Federal Government is being lobbied by power producers using coal and gas to wind back the renewable energy targets that would see 20 per cent of this countrys power generated by renewables by the end of the decade. Little wonder they want the targets lowered. The explosion in wind farms and solar rooftop panels in homes across Australia has already cut the demand for electricity and left them with gold-plated infrastructure that can no longer be justified. For one Queensland company, the decentralisation of power production has been devastating: In the last five years of our generation business, weve made nothing. All this leaves the Federal Government in a difficult situation. If it decides to wind back the policy clock and downplay renewables, it will lose a high-tech cutting-edge industry while it props up old-style big polluters. As economist and author Jeremy Rifkin puts it, the choice is stark: Its ridiculous. Australias the Saudi Arabia of renewable energy. Theres so much sun, theres so much wind off the coast, and so it makes absolutely no sense when you have an abundance of renewable energy, [to] rely on a depleting supply of fossil fuels with all of the attendant consequences to society and the planet. Power to the People, reported by Stephen Long and presented by Kerry OBrien, goes to air on Monday 7th July at 8.30pm on ABC1. It is replayed on Tuesday 8th July at 11.00am and 11.35pm. It can also be seen on ABC News 24 on Saturday at 8.00pm EST, ABC iview and at abc.net.au/4corners.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 11:23:29 +0000

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