Well, the MRI came back good, no narrowing of my lumbar spine. - TopicsExpress


Well, the MRI came back good, no narrowing of my lumbar spine. Thats happy news. However, that doesnt explain the weakness in my right leg/foot. She scheduled an EMG & I have to see a neurologist. Jeez. As far as, my current inflamed pain issues, my SI Joint is inflamed, so I have to have an injection next week. Joy! Not! Otherwise, my joints are irritated in relation to the weather, plus the normal arthritic irritations I refuse to (mentally) but do (literally) suffer from... & yes, weather does effect arthritic conditions, esp mine. Basically, I have to let it run its course, pain meds as needed, heat compresses as needed & if it gets any worse or is overly prolonged, shell put me on a steroid pack for a week. We try to avoid that if possible because Im not suppose to take NSAIDs (which is why my joints hurt more & take longer to settle down)... also, I have to watch certain foods, which is already the norm, but more so when I have a flare up. So, overall... Good News: Im not dying & Im otherwise healthy (despite the mild cold left over from my not so mild cold/fluish episode a week or so ago). And, other than my normal chronic pain, arthritic, skeletal, fibro irritants, Life will go on & I still have plenty of time to grow old, rock in a rocking chair on the front porch w my Hubby & eventual Grand-babies & possibly scratch off, good Lord willing, a ton of things that remain on my Bucket List :) Bad News: We dont know whats up w my right leg/foot, for now. I HURT, more than usual, & have to put on my big girl panties & deal w it... Plus, they still have not figured out a way to do a whole body transplant or the WOLVERINE procedure, which I am more than willing to sign up for, once the doctors & scientists, or my AWOL fairy godmother, get on the ball & figure it out :) Im Breathing, Im Blessed... & the doctor gave me an orange lollipop for being such a good little patient :)
Posted on: Tue, 12 Nov 2013 21:13:22 +0000

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