Well, the Mommy weekend vacation is over and Lolli and Pop - TopicsExpress


Well, the Mommy weekend vacation is over and Lolli and Pop survived. Actually it was very enjoyable except for this darn cold that had me all stopped up and not able to breath to good, with a cough. I missed being able to sip on my cinnamon whiskey for my cough. I was afraid I may get a little lax sipping on the whiskey. I have to say I enjoyed watching those two babies so much. I experienced seeing Hope in all her character and hear her communicating with Daphne and us. She is a hoot! She is a drama queen in the making. I did not get to experience having little girls and with me having two boys, this is a definite change. I am loving watching them express the emotion that little girls exhibit. Going into the weekend I was a little worried since both girls are really attached to Heather. It worked out ok though. Derrick is such a good daddy. He knows their usual routine and helps Heather so much so that kept them grounded to their original routine. My goal was to keep them stimulated so they could not think of Mommy. We played outside a lot in our backyard and spent the day at our house then at night went back to their house to be in familiar surroundings to sleep. Worked out great. Hope was doing the thing little kids do when they poop. She would go behind a chair look real guilty, as if to say I am invisible you cant see me, and stand and squat to do her business. Once she got under the bar in the kitchen and pulled two bar chairs all around her like a fort to take care of business. Then we watched her favorite mooie (movie) Cinderella. She was moving her mouth like she was saying what the little mice were saying and singing and bobbing her butt back and forth to the music when they sang Cinderelly Cinderelly. Cutest thing I ever saw. Daphne was my little cuddle bug. She kept wanting to just come sit with me and hug me. I ate it up. One night they both were on me on the sofa watching a movie and I was in heaven. We cooked deer chili one day and deer roast one day and pork ribs one day and the guys ran their remote cars in back yard. Daphne ran around picking up leaves and swinging and exploring. Love watching her outside. She is taking in everything and really running and having a great time just enjoying Gods special gifts of outside. All these things makes you realize just how precious life and family are. I am so grateful and blessed to have these precious gifts of love God gave me. And to top it off God made it nice and cool with hardly any Mosquitos so we could be outside. Life is beautiful in every moment. Things can be bad but its your mind and the way you think about the situation that determines the outcome of the experience. Make each moment yours. This past weekend was one special moment of mine. All my pictures of Hope were video and I cant seem to post videos they never let me.
Posted on: Wed, 08 Oct 2014 02:16:02 +0000

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