Well...the last few weeks have been a little crazy.....in the - TopicsExpress


Well...the last few weeks have been a little crazy.....in the sense of the current conflict in Gaza, and all the posts and arguments regarding this situation. For the record, I would like to say this....above everything else I am a humanitarian....first and foremost....I will always support the rights of innocent ordinary people on this planet to have a reasonable secure existence, I think that is moral and important....and from what I see and read.....sadly lacking amongst many people these days. During 1998 to 2000, I spent a lot of time on business in the USA.....One weekend, a business colleague and friend asked me to come with them to visit the Holocaust Museum in Houston Texas, which I did. I was horrified and deeply affected by what I saw and read about the plight of the Jewish people during WW2. I remember buying a book of poetry and drawings of the Jewish children that died during their incarceration in the camp/ghetto of Theresienstadt (Terezin) in the Czech republic (virtually all of them perished). This affected me so much that a couple of years later, when I was in Prague for the Millennium celebrations, I arranged a special trip for myself and my girlfriend at the time to go a few days afterwards to visit this camp and see for ourselves how it was and what took place there all those years ago. We joined a small group of people and went with a guide to visit this place. Both myself and my girlfriend were moved to tears by what we saw and were told. Our guide was an old Czech lady who lost virtually all her family in this camp, she herself survived selection twice in Auschwitz. She assumed we were both Jewish as EVERYBODY else on that trip were. When we said we werent she especially thanked us for coming to witness what happened there. This woman touched me deeply, she lost everything.....including her religious faith. My point is this....I am NOT Anti-Semitic, and I am NOT pro-Hamas OR PRO ANY OTHER extremist organisation of ANY faith. Indeed, whilst I respect peoples beliefs, I consider myself an atheist....my church and religion are my own brain and heart, and my own morality. That is sufficient for me personally. I am strong and smart enough to measure things myself. I also grew up in an industrial working class city, we werent poor, but we didnt have much.....however, I was brought up well, with principles and integrity, and taught to respect and help others, especially those in difficulty. That makes me left of centre, with socialist and community values, which I am also proud of, and should not be considered dirty words...at least not in Europe these days. I absolutely ABHOR what is happening in society in the world right now. It seems too me that many people have lost their basic humanitarian values, and that they are being manipulated by blatant lies and spin by the media organisations (and governments) across the world, and many dont seem to be able to question what they are told, or to think for themselves, choosing instead to believe all the hype and bullshit fed to them. I truly fear for the human race, we currently live with many different conflicts and a steady degradation of human values. I fear for our future, I think there is a massive loss of trust in our system and that we are headed for disaster, on a grand scale, in the not too distant future, unless we can all turn this around. We all need to take a step back sometimes, and think for ourselves, and what is just, and right....the focus needs to be on HUMANITY, and RESPECT for each other....and not on control of land, what religion you may be, and what colour you are......we live on ONE SMALL FRAGILE PLANET.......NO MORE WARS AND UN-NECESSARY DEATH PLEASE!
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 03:09:04 +0000

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