Well the last update was rather short, and I know that it left you - TopicsExpress


Well the last update was rather short, and I know that it left you wondering whats going on in regards to my cancer battle. When I was first diagnose, with cancer in June, seem like I tried to die. The devil had put in my head that I was dying and it didnt help that I had just laid my dad to rest from cancer 5 days prior to me being diagnose with cancer. So you can see why my FAITH was being tested. I always did say my prayers, I learned my OUR FATHER PRAYERS before I learn my ABCS, and as I got older I added to those prayers, meaning that you pray and ask God for what you want and have faith that if its for you he will answer. When I came to turn with my sickness, I let it go and put it TOTALLY in Gods hand. and I mean that in every sense of the way. Yes sometime my spirit are low, but it dont last long. I prayed to God and asked him to show me a way that I could use my story as I call it, ( I could say sickness, but my ideal of being sick is something is hurting and nothing is hurting me). I just have cancer, but I still wanted God to use me in a way that I could help others, thats when i decided to go public on Face Book. I know all that believe, already know what God can do, but I want to reassure you through my experience. I have cancer on my liver, that spread from the colon. Theyve removed that from the colon, the mass on the liver is what Im taking chemo to shrink them, yes I said them. I have several, I have 4. (3) of them are in a great location, meaning that the liver surgeon can go in and remove em, but the 4th one is in a location that he can not safely remove it without putting my life in great danger, he would have to remove to much of my liver for my body to function. God aint threw yet. The DR call me back to discuss other option, there another type of chemo that he can give me that will shrink this 4th tumor close enough to the other 3, that would allow him to leave enough of the liver in tack for me to live a normal life. Now you tell me God aint working this out. -------- Now here is where I need more than prayers, my ins. is rejecting the approval, but were going to appeal and keep appealing, in the mean time I going to set up a GOFUNDME webpage, its a legit website. Im asking those that can and will donate, I dont care if its $1,,,its a $1 more than I have. So many of you been a blessing to me already, am I shame for asking NO, IM FIGHTING TO LIVE.. If you cant do nothing just keep praying for me. I love and appreciate any and everything you do for me, Once I get the page set up I will provide you the log in information.....Thanks again
Posted on: Fri, 07 Nov 2014 02:09:25 +0000

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