Well, the month has come and almost gone. Ive said I was gonna - TopicsExpress


Well, the month has come and almost gone. Ive said I was gonna start my daily posts almost every day - then I dont. So, on this evening of a wonderful Thanksgiving, I will try to sum up just some of the Many things I am thankful for: I am THANKFUL that OUR Good Lord saved my unworthy soul on the 2nd Monday of fall Revival at Goodwill Missionary Baptist Church. It was on September 27th, 1991, my Uncle Richards Birthday. Also, thankful that the older generation writes everything down in the BIBLE, so that we can go back and look things up years later. I need to start doing that. Thankful that I had a good mother that played double duty as Mom and Dad. She did without so I could HAVE. We didnt agree a lot then and still dont now, but she was and still is a good mother. Some of us just have different views. She provided, loved, cared for, instructed and took me to hear the gospel. I AM BLESSED! For My Perfect Soulmate and Husband that has been right beside me for going on 16 years! Living with me is not easy and HE IS ONE GREAT MAN! For my Precious Daughter Malia. She is an Answered Prayer! She is smart, witty, beautiful, full of energy and everything that a kid should be. But, Bless it, she is just like me - I think that is why I am so hard on her. Still Thankful that God chose us to be her parents. For Josephine Morgan, the best mother-in-law around. We have an awesome unique relationship. For both sides of my family - Mamas and my fathers. For Mikes family that is mine too. For Family get togethers that we still have and ones we have had that are now Memories! I pray for many more! That Aunt Dorothy Carman was better today!!! I am VERY Thankful that when my father died, I was able to FINALLY admit that Yes, I am like him. A lot like him. I was Blessed to Receive his Good Traits and they are part of what has made me who I am today. Funny how things happen. Just grateful that I dont have his BAD ones. Thankful and Blessed for Our Little Country Church and my church family. I am so Thankful that God decided to stop by for a while last Sunday morning as he is here with me right now! BLESSED BLESSED BLESSED!!! This is why I havent done my daily things - I wasnt supposed to! ALWAYS a Reason! Thankful for my job, my AWESOME Boss Janie Oldham and my Great Family of co-workers at Trousdale Senior Living Center - where we are family. My Special and Unique CIRCLES of Friends that I would travel the world for! My 2 Special friends that JUST KNOW every single moment when I NEED them the most! Thank you both for last night! I Love You!!! THE MOST AWESOME NEIGHBORS ANYWHERE!!! For unanswered prayers, good times, cameras and pictures, camcorders and video, vacations, Great public school system and teachers, my cell phone, secrets, indoor plumbing, reliable transportation, a home, PLENTY to eat and leftovers too, clothes, my 5 senses, health insurance, MY and My familiys HEALTH, old friends, my preacher(s), CANCER SURVIVORS, mistakes and lessons learned, and on and on and on!!! Ive cooked today at my own pace. Enjoyed a nice meal with Mama and Mikes family. Prayed for Aunt Dorothy - Thank You God! and we will spend Sunday with Aunt Lisa and her bunch! My Life Is Great! I am about to do some work related stuff for a while. But I had to do MY THANKS since I think I am the only one that has not done so already. Sometimes its just good to actually type it or write it so we can see it ourselves. Makes you think and ponder on just how BLESSED WE TRULY ARE! Just Thankful for another Thanksgiving and looking forward to Christmas. Also, I am Thankful for You - My Facebook Family! From My Family to yours - Hope you had a Most Wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
Posted on: Fri, 29 Nov 2013 04:33:56 +0000

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