Well the news I am hearing from the Jags office is last Sunday was - TopicsExpress


Well the news I am hearing from the Jags office is last Sunday was an improvement. Well, was it? Lets see, the Jags came out roaring and the Eagles came out with oil-drenched feathers. But in the second quarter the Eagles defensive feathers began to dry. The Jags offense dropped from a roar to a low sleepy purr. As the Eagles defensive feathers dried they began to dismantle the weak offense the Jags are notorious for. By the second half, the defensive line roar had turned into a mild mew thanks to spending entirely too much time chasing Eagles. So the Eagles had air superiority. After a saucer of milk at half time the Jags offense curled up in the sun and took a nap, leaving the defense to chase flying Eagles for two more quarters. What does all this mean other than the Jags lost? It means nothing has changed from last season unfortunately... Sucks to be a Jags fan about now...
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 22:59:03 +0000

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