Well, the same Indian border security force called the personnel - TopicsExpress


Well, the same Indian border security force called the personnel of the same Pakistani rangers for a flag meeting and then murdered two of them in cold blood, and did not even let the Pakistani side recover their bodies (they had to be pulled back across the border with ropes). All this, while #India again started mass shelling at #Pakistan across the #LineOfControl and #WorkingBoundary, killing more of its civilians and then had the audacity to accuse Pakistan of doing the shelling, even as it again rejected an impartial UN investigation of the attacks. So what should anyone have reasonably expected the Rangers to do when those murderers offered them sweets? Dear followers, if we murder people in your family and vandalize your home, then offer you sweets a few days later, would you accept them or refuse? Then what would you think about dawn having the audacity to ask its readers whether you should have taken those sweets? And then what would you think of the #PakistaniLiberals and their #AmanKiAsha #SAFMA #BeghairatBrigade when they attack your stupidity and maliciousness if you dont take the sweets? #PunjabRangers #IndiaWithPakistan #BaghalMeinChuriMunhMeinRamRam
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 12:31:03 +0000

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