Well, the season, the beliefs of varying types, of course the - TopicsExpress


Well, the season, the beliefs of varying types, of course the presents and family and friends have come and are on their way out. Its Boxing Day here in Canada, a day of cleaning the damned house up before Mommy goes crazy. As Christmas and all its magic and glory have started to fade again for another year we have the New Year upon us. Do you make affirmations? I dont normally because I am a true Aquarian and like to be sporadic. But I think this year, especially after seeing so much negativity in the feed on Facebook and Twitter, I will be making one affirmation. To spread joy. To bring positivity. To be part of the solution. We all have bad days. I find myself particularly evil on those days, the ones that dont work the way I have fooled myself into thinking I can control. I say the wrong things. I gossip, I mean I am girl. I act like a child. I hate admitting it but it totally happens. I am a lot like Finley in WGP. Those are the days I get ranty and become a sniveler who only sees the worst in everything. But I am going to walk away this year and I urge you all to do it. I am going to put serious effort into not venting and ranting. I am going to not engage when I see something negative. I think when we engage in the bad thing we see, usually out of the best intentions, we just bring too much exposure to the bad thing. Facebook, our lives, and our experiences are completely controlled by us. We choose what we see and what we acknowledge and how we respond. Imagine if we all saw the terrible post from a person who has accidentally let their temper get the best of them, and instead of engaging and making it worse, we all just look the other way. What if we didnt share, didnt comment, didnt add our brand of fuel to the fire? What if we simply let them have their tirade and let them be angry but didnt let them anger us as well? I dont know how you all feel about the year we have had as far as negativity goes, but I am ready to not see it anymore. So in my effort to maintain my joy and have my feed be as positive as possible, I am going to be adding things I find amazing to the world around me. Starting with these photos. My husband is federal police and wasnt really home for the holidays, he worked. As do a lot of Soldiers, Police, Emergency Responders, Medical Personnel. This website has come cool Soldier photos, ones that resonate with me because I love animals and have traveled to some very interesting countries and seen strays in desperate need. This warms my heart that they find each other, both maybe in need of a bit of comfort. coolanimalspics.blogspot.ca/2011/07/soldiers-with-pets.html Have an amazing boxing day, an amazing rest of the holiday, and find things you like and love to fill your day. Peace be with you all, Tar
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 20:58:56 +0000

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