Well, the sun did break thru yesterday after all! Amazing what a - TopicsExpress


Well, the sun did break thru yesterday after all! Amazing what a little natural light can do for the body and spirit! Bud and I spent the afternoon watching our grandson swim across the shallow end of our pool. He reminds me of a little otter as he dives for ducks, crabs, and porpoises all weighted with water and sunken to the bottom. He stalks inflatable dinosaurs, heaves footballs skyward, announces the chatter of a "Blue-Jay Bird" in the trees overhead, and his clear innocent laughter rings sweeter than the strains of Mozart thru the July air. Never, I think, has there been a child so perfect, so beautiful as this fey little creature preforming his aquatic tricks before us. These are the thoughts of all grandparents as they look at their grandchildren with a contented sign, safe in the knowledge that they will be carried forward into eternity by these children of their offspring. Joy is such a simple thing. It can best be learned from a little child, who as yet unburdened by the world, frolics in innocence. There is no pretense in their glowing face, no deceit in their nature. Such singular happiness can not help but prove contagious to all who bear witness. Bud and I sat transfixed in the afternoon sun, too mesmerized to move. The breeze gently stirred the leaves above us as a dragonfly lowered gossamer wings to land itself upon the nose of a floating Triceratops. "A fairy!" Lincoln shouted as his chubby finger pointed toward the insect on his dinosaur. In such a moment of contentment who were we to disagree? Perhaps, it was indeed a fairy, as mystical and beautiful as the little boy in the pool. It was enough to make us believe in magic. KB
Posted on: Sun, 07 Jul 2013 12:33:53 +0000

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