Well, the time has come and I am officially leaving Pittsburgh, - TopicsExpress


Well, the time has come and I am officially leaving Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I am starting my first step on one of the greatest adventures of my life. Ill make it. Ill be okay. Ill raise Hell. Above all, I would like to personally thank the people that came out of their way to see me before I left. Cody, thank you for being everything Ive needed in a long while, we may of driven one another insane, but at the end of the day Im glad youre in my life to stay. Greg, everything youve done for me and my family means the world and I will always appreciate it. Renee you were one of my first friends and still to this day I call you one of my closest. Thank you for standing up for me when I couldnt do it for myself - thats a debt Ill never be able to repay. Laurie, thank you for being one of the most gentle and honest human beings Ive ever had the privilege to meet and become close to. Follow your dreams and art - I believe and am inspired by you every time we talk. Jessica, I will always remember the amount of fun we had today and every time I hear HAIRSPRAY Ill remember you. Jess, I could write an entire novel about how much you mean to be but Ill spare Facebook and say that you saved my life years ago by being my friend. Matt, you are one of the few people Ive ever truly lowered my guard and trusted. Thank you for never letting me down and always having my back, I will always consider you one of my best friends. Megan, thank you for reminding me about how much I forgotten within my self and art. I promise you Ill pick up my camera again. Jodie you and your family are truly incredible and I really appreciate everything youve done for me. And Ashley, follow your writing and self - youre one of the most intelligent people and can always make people laugh and feel better. Dean, thank you brother - youre truly my best friend when it comes down to it. Between rock n roll and art, youre always going to be on my mind. Jacob and Rachel I love you guys endlessly - thank you for always believing in me. And thanks to Maggie and my parents, Mary and Tom Murray. You guys believed in me and made this possible.
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 17:54:38 +0000

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