Well there it is folks, our cover photo has been updated with all - TopicsExpress


Well there it is folks, our cover photo has been updated with all the umpires that took part in Touch Footy I. Some were good, others were bad and then there was me! A great night was had by all and it was packed with highlights, entertainment and quite a few laughs! We found out tonight why the brother of Lou Tabacchiera is a bloody goal umpire! Fair dinkum the way Tino refereed this game he would not know his backside from his face... come to think of it neither can we. Next week Tino will be playing the game and we hope he affords the referee the same respect he received from us tonight! Stick to the flags or that whistle may be stuck somewhere! As you would expect I will dedicate a fair bit of copy in talking about myself. A lot. Quite simply however, there are not too many positives... I was scheissen! Blew up after 35 seconds and went downhill from there. Serviceable, very hard to get around and turns like the QE2. Does not run much yet still most likely unable to walk tomorrow. Motor mouth Trev Tippet did not shut up all night and had more penalties awarded against him than a hoon on the Hume! Swapped sides at half time and made a good team look about as effective as Richmond in trade week. Played out of dummy half, which is not all that surprising because more often than not he was spitting it! Players of the match were undoubtedly Tornado Teagan Sheldon and Dangerous Dom Nahon. Pace, skill and stupidity masquerading as courage were the cornerstones of their games. Never to play on the same side in this series. The dynamic duo of goalies, Jase Gillow and Ash Price paired up well and made sure where possible they ran at the weak link in the opposition... its just a pity that that weak link was stronger than them! In a flagrant attempt at catching the eye of the vote givers, Ash wore a fashion faux pas of a fluro UnderArmour top. As hard as it may be the challenge is to out do him in two weeks time. A first half explosion of pace and determination from #WILLmentum saw him score his teams only try for the first half. Could have added t the tally but our William is too honest for his own good. Awarded the FIFA Fair Play award. Brad Pulley cheated. Its as simple as that. Brought Ryan the Ring-in across from SEJ and unleashed him on the unsuspecting opposition. Ryan will be a welcome addition if he is interested in some boundary umpiring on Saturdays. Brad did manage to surprise on the night with less talk than we usually get on the track. Played a solid role supporting Teagan, but needs to work on his pace - which is where Ryan comes into it... unfortunately Ryan spent more time running laterally across the park than attacking his own line, but we can straighten him up for Touch Footy II. Weel, what can we say about Rampaging Rolando? Some searing runs of a few metres, happy to carry the ball and delivered some great cutout passes. Unfortunately, he cut out his own team mates and turned the pill over... quite likely imitating his beloved Blues. A feature of the night was Wrong Way Ray Farrugia and his floated pass gifting the sole first half try to the opposition. Improved from there and a great distributor of the pill... any colour, size available. One man who must have either not showered or was hiding in the shadows was Matty Lobb. Regularly tip toeing down the sideline to gain valuable metres for his team. Often set up the play for the glory hunters. Which brings us to Casper Tippet, ghosting around the park scoring tries at will with Dom. Yet another teenager who can lay claim to having an embarrassing father as he has inherited the moniker Casper more due to the antics of his father than his own behaviour. Captain Kat Stopinski hasnt run in 14 months but as expected she just got the job done. Clearly the second best female on the park tonight. Fresh legs came of the bench at half time in the form of Benji Christianson and his cameo was very effective in tandem with Teagz. Clever little bugger who thinks he is quick by passing blokes 3 times his age and four times his weight... pick on someone your own size Ben! Last but not least, tonight saw the return of Tee Off Tim Forster. Quiet and unassuming, it was just great to see Tim out on the park and running around. His determination to beat his illness and return to umpiring was there for all to see tonight and I was high fiving anyone and everyone when Tim cut loose from deep in defence to bamboozle both the opposition and his team mates to romp in for a stunning try. Great to have you back Tim. So there it is. If I have left anyone out you must have been worse than me. Thank you to official chauffeur, cheer squad and photographer Kim Caldwell for her ongoing support of every game played to date. We will be back in two weeks to terrorise the turf and hope to have a few more join us. It was simply bloody great fun. That is all for now, keep an eye out for Touch Footy II
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 11:39:14 +0000

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