Well, they can’t call themselves. Frustrated city 311 operators - TopicsExpress


Well, they can’t call themselves. Frustrated city 311 operators whose job is to field complaints from angry New York City residents all day had nowhere to turn for their own litany of gripes — so they called The Post. The sick and tired workers ripped their Brooklyn grouse gulag as a “sweatshop’’ run by overbearing bosses. “It’s terrible conditions,” griped one staffer of the Brooklyn Army Terminal digs in Sunset Park. “It’s like we work in a factory. It’s very difficult at times to concentrate because you’re so uncomfortable. It’s terrible — it really is.” The workers are employed by city subcontractor King TeleServices, a Brooklyn-based company. The angry staffers — who help handle more than 1 million residents’ complaints monthly — said their dismal work digs have them batting away roaches as they toil in sweltering rooms without any air conditioning. Meanwhile, the center is run by nitpicky supervisors who mete out silly punishments daily, they said. Office rules dictate that the gnat-swatting, sweat-wiping staffers aren’t allowed to use offensive language — right down to the term “hell.’’ That restriction posed a dilemma for one worker after a ranting caller demanded some action on a noise complaint in Hell’s Kitchen. “The supervisor heard me repeating the neighborhood and told me that I can’t use that word,” the staffer said incredulously. “It’s unbelievable.” The threat wasn’t an idle one. Another staffer who was startled by a cockroach scurrying across her beaten-up desk muttered, “Oh, hell” as the creature skittered past. The forbidden word caught the ear of a supervisor, who immediately suspended the worker from her $12-per-hour job for an entire week. The prohibitions even cover clothing. Workers can’t wear short sleeves of any kind — and their rickety stand-up room fans do little to relieve the heat. “We complain about it every day,” an insider said. “But nothing happens.” Supervisors — who sit in the middle of worker desks to monitor in 1:48 PM That is a story in the NY Post about KingTel...
Posted on: Mon, 08 Jul 2013 15:45:21 +0000

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