Well this explains a lot. My mom just sent me the following - TopicsExpress


Well this explains a lot. My mom just sent me the following journal entry of hers from back when I was Troys age: (Todd) often doesn’t pay any attention when you tell him “no.” Today we had quite a go-round re the vacuum and lamp cords. He’s quite adept at plugging things in, even though he’s been told repeatedly (with a hand slap included) not to do that. Today he actually pulled the vacuum over to the outlet, unhooked the cord and plugged it in. When I took it away and told him “no” he was so mad at me that he grabbed the lamp cord (which had previously been unplugged and put away in a corner) and pulled it to the socket and nearly pulled the lamp over. That, of course, necessitated another slap and “no” but he is very rebellious. Refuses to acknowledge parental authority – goes right on doing what he wants to do. And when Kelly joins in, adding her “No, no Todd” to mine, he walks over and hits her. He hits me, too. Or he’ll pinch. He bit the vacuum this afternoon. It is also becoming increasingly evident that he thinks he’s “hot stuff.” He can really put on a show if he thinks you’re watching. Scrunches up his nose, eyes and/or mouth, waves hands, dances up and down, bends his knees, etc. He likes to throw things when he’s angry. I guess maybe it’s a good thing he’ll be getting a little sister/brother soon. (Kim was born the following February.) Sorry Katie Manning . ;]
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 07:27:52 +0000

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