Well this is going to be the week that we have all looking forward - TopicsExpress


Well this is going to be the week that we have all looking forward to, as we wait for the decisions of last weeks PDH. There are so many people who are wanting to see a change for the better. It is obvious that Don Bales, Wendall Sampson and Rick Entmeier cant be trusted when we all read the posts in the BHR as they trashed our department and our boss. I have read an article in the Lincoln Echo Newspaper thelincolnecho/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/October_2014.pdf, written by FS City Council Member Andre Good. It seems to me that Andre Goods intention was to continue the media bashing of FSPD that was started by the Tri-Fecta. He described the Tri-Fecta members as, Three of Fort Smith’s finest law enforcement officers, which is completely untrue. Where in the world that we all live in did he get his information to correctly describe these conspirators whos current motive is to take money from the citizens of Fort Smith? He also complains that the city is footing the attorney bills of the female dispatcher who is being sued by Bales and Sampson. Does this guy actually have a clue as to what is going on here? The city is DEFENDING the female employee from the Tri-Fecta bullies because they are retaliating against her in their $195,000 lawsut. The EEOC specifically states that is illegal for an employee to be harassed for filing a complaint, a charge, or for being part of an investigation against the employer or a supervisor. Don Bales and Wendall Sampson are now retaliating against the female employee by suing her, which is in direct violation of Federal Law. So Mr. Good needs to do some research on what he posts in the media instead of taking the word of any Tri-Fecta member as being truthful. Councilman Good then bashed FSPD stating there was not enough diversity of color in the department. He states, Fort Smith should seriously start the conversation about diversity and inclusion on the Fort Smith Police Department, and accuses the department hiring process of being biased due to race. Andre Good complains that African American applicants have passed all written exams and physical fitness test, only to be shot down at the Police Review Board. He goes on to back up his statements with a statistical breakdown of the 2011 testing process he complained about. I think he needed to review his statistics before voicing his complaint because his analysis stated that 6 African American applicants began the testing process but did not pass the very first test. So which is it Mr. Good? You complain that the applicants were passed over on the last test but I see that your statistics state they failed the very first test. It seems to me that Mr. Goods intention was to cause more negative media for the City of Fort Smith and FSPD with his recent article. I want to give you another example that will prove to my readers and those who want the ACTUAL truth, that Mr. Good does not have the best intention for the city he serves and that he is just another extension of the malicious slanders of Bales, Sampson and Entmeier. Councilman Andre Good compared the City of Fort Smith to the tragedy that happened in Ferguson, MO, saying that the lack of diversity there caused the riots and the injury of the police officer. He quotes the head of the National Organization of Blacks in Law Enforcement and says that a lack of diversity and inclusion on a police department, particularly in a majority-minority community is essentially a disaster waiting to happen. He goes on to say, If Fort Smith is ever to be seen as remotely progressive, it must acknowledge and embrace the reality of diversity, equality and the necessity for inclusion as a matter of both moral correctness and business necessity. This approach means that law enforcement is part of the community, reflects the demographics of the community, and that its actions are transparent in every aspect. Did he not do his research as to what initialized the Ferguson Riots? A police officer was attacked by a black male where he sustained life threatening injuries and had to defend his life. Why cant he tell the entire truth to his targeted readers, instead of picking a few details to complain about in order cause further tension between folks? Is Andre Good trying to start riots here in Fort Smith with these accusation he has made? We live in a clean, respectful city. There was no need for him to make the City of Fort Smith out to be racially biased when hiring its employees. The Fort Smith Police Department is always in search of qualified applicants to join its ranks- no matter the applicants race or gender. I believe that if Mr. Good really thought his accusation to be true, then he would request an investigation from an outside agency. But no, he just wants to complain and make false accusations without any true merit. Mr. Goods attempt to cause further issues and negative media for the FSPD shows his poor character and I hope it will be remembered next election day. Oh yea, regarding his complaint of minorities being turned away at the Police Review Board, his buddy Don Bales, Fort Smiths Finest Law Enforcement Officer,was on the review board he complain about. So if you folks get a change, check out the article written by Andre Good. Always seeking truth and those of good character BT
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 04:50:19 +0000

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