Well, this should prove interesting...*Jareth notes.* A ball with - TopicsExpress


Well, this should prove interesting...*Jareth notes.* A ball with some quie diverse peoples...! *He gazes around with a thin smirk. The gardens are decorated gracefully, a beautiful area made more welcoming. A wide, pale-stoned dancefloor takes up the centre, lush grass forming a several metre thick band around it, with small tables and chairs set about. A dark wood latticework covers the top, showing the dusky purple sky above glittering with the first few tentative stars of the night. Floating spheres of soft gold light substitute for lanterns are scattered about for an addition of light, a few gathered before a long table laid out with various delicate foods, all appropriate for summer. Jareth sighs in satisfaction, pleased with the results, and straightens the waistcoat of his favourite fine clothing, a deep blue tailcoat and waistcoat adorned in gems and spare glitter, his first choice for such an occasion.* Time now for only the guests.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 21:00:20 +0000

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