Well, this trip is off to a great start. The freezing rain and I - TopicsExpress


Well, this trip is off to a great start. The freezing rain and I got to the airport at the same time today. After finally finding a parking space, I made my way to the back door of the Hyatt, where I usually cut through the lobby to the airport walkway. Just as I started up the ramp to the hotel, my brain said Hey! This is icy. The only problem was that my brain forgot to tell my feet. You guessed it - before my feet could stop - BOOM! Down goes Kenny. Now, unlike any normal human being, I figure Ill just get up and try again. Wrong answer. Down goes Kenny - again. I looked like Curly in a Three Stooges movie try to get up again! Dont worry - Im fine. But, I have to tell you the two good things, beside be providing entertainment for the guy who just came out to salt the sidewalk and ramp: 1.) Yukon Cornelius was right - Bumbles and fat guys bounce. 2.) The phone case I have, that supposedly an elephant can sit on and still protect the phone works. I cant wait to see what else this trip has in store for me!
Posted on: Tue, 02 Dec 2014 15:13:24 +0000

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