Well, this week has been a trial, but God has been in the midst - TopicsExpress


Well, this week has been a trial, but God has been in the midst thru everything. we had to order a new tire, there was a knot on left rear tire (got it put on today), I started with a headache Sunday while cooking an early Thanksgiving dinner for some of the family, got a flu shot Monday and not feeling the best. Bob started feeling bad and running fever after everyone left, our daughter Connie wound up in the hospital by Monday with stomach problems, our heating unit would not kick on Monday so thankfully we have the wall unit until the repairman can get here, Bob got sicker, some thought he had shingles, he doesnt. They dont know yet what it is just broke out in a red rash and sore all over. My sister Sharon had her surgery this morning and we have all been truly blessed by her coming thru the surgery as well as she did. Our daughter was going to undergo exploratory surgery but now that it appears the Dr. has made up his mind, if she continues to improve, she should be released Friday. Another blessing and tomorrow is suppose to be another Thanksgiving dinner with our son and his wife. We had planned to be in Tennessee this week with youngest son Mark. Sometimes things dont quite turn out as planned, but we are thankful He is always with us and helps us thru those times. Some of my projects did not get done due to the extra illnesses but what is most important is spending time with our family members. We dont know what tomorrow brings but God will hold our hand and help us thru it.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 03:31:24 +0000

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