Well time to vent...FYI..in case you didnt know, I was diagnosed - TopicsExpress


Well time to vent...FYI..in case you didnt know, I was diagnosed with CML LEUKEMIA in 2009. CML is a BLOOD CANCER..I have to take a Pill (ORAL CHEMO) everyday for the rest of my life in order to live a somewhat normal life. I say some what normal because there are so many side effects that go along with taking this life saving medication everyday for the rest of my life. Anyway, I had been taking my medication for a long time and my white blood cells came down to a good number. 4.1...I decided for some reason to come off my meds and give my body a break...(TOO LONG OF A BREAK)...What in the HELL was I thinking?..I just got back from having my blood work done (CBC) and guess what?..Test results were not too good...My white blood cells (the ones that multiple with the bad cancerous leukemia, had gone up to 37,000. What in the HELL was I thinking?..THAT IT WOULD GO AWAY?.. HOPING THAT IT WOULD GO AWAY? ...HOPING I WAS SOMEHOW CANCER FREE?...It is hard to explain living life with CML.. I have started back taking my medication to get this back under control..After all, I HAVE SO MUCH TO LIVE FOR.!,,No more playing Russian Roulette with my LIFE!!!!!.. ( and please, if you have anything negative to say, do not comment.) Until you have walked in my shoes, you havent a clue what I am going through...#stupidcancer #cancersucks
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 17:15:25 +0000

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