Well to all my family and friends I just want to tell you all even - TopicsExpress


Well to all my family and friends I just want to tell you all even though life can be crazy and some time I dont know where Im going to get the money to pay my bills or where the money is going to come from to buy groceries, but some how some way god provides a way for my family here to have both, and for that Im so thankful, and I also was thinking back a couple of months ago when I was in my death bed ( 7 days) in excruciating pain, vomiting, nausea no taste buds, lost all my hair,I couldnt see sunlight because it felt like some one was sticking needles in my eyes, and only can keep down four table spoon of chicken broth... When I laid in bed and I was talking to GOD one on ONE and I said GOD I dont know why this is happening to me , but I hope and pray that Im the only one in my family to get cancer, because I dont want my sons, nephew,nieces and future Grand kids to get this Disease.....IT was the worst pain that I ever had in my life....SO for four mouths and five hours ever 5 days of chemo and 34 radiation treatments I Sonya Pagan have I lot to be thankful for So to those of you that are asking why do I say Im so thankful to be alive!!! This is why!!!! So I would I to thank my Brother Luis for coming down from New Jersey to take care of me, Ricky, and mom. If it wasnt for him I dont know how I would of made it.. Also to all my wonderful friends who kept me laughing, and the Airsoft crew love you guys for making mama LOL !!! I miss all of you crazy guys!!!! I well be thinking about you all at thanksgiving time and always.. I well never forget you all and Thank you for being there for me, and to my son Andrew who drove me to chemo, but couldnt go in with me, because he didnt want to see me in so much pain I say Thank you baby mommy loves you. Im also so happy that Xavier and Girlfriend is coming down for Thanksgiving can wait to see them both a big hug and kisses. So Im going to really count my blessing this year and for the rest of my life on this earth... So from me to you all of you count your blessing and be thankful for what you do have now, think positive of every aspect of your life now, dont look back and say what if.....live your life like theres no tomorrow and no drama.. So I hope you get some inspiration from my story and make this Thanksgiving fill with love no drama lots of laughter lots of food,lots of family, friends and a comfortable sofa LOL !!!! From Sincerely Thankful to be alive Sonya ..... LOVE YOU ALL!!!! HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 02:24:09 +0000

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