Well today I went to the doctor been having some issues with my - TopicsExpress


Well today I went to the doctor been having some issues with my shoulders. Its tendonitis but when you get my age going to the doctor can be a scary thing. Not that Im afraid of him saying you have something we cant cure. But needles the marine corps taught me to fear them because they hurt. And I got to thinking about Katie and Taylor how many times they had needles stuck in their little bodies. And that made me think when I go to see their graves. You see their names the date they were born and a dash and the date they died. But for any of us the most important part is that dash . What did we do with our lives between those two dates on that marker. The only people that truly know the pain and suffering and what we truly did with our lives in that time is that person and Jesus Christ our Lord and savior. Now I dont have any doubts about Katie and Taylor and who and where they will spend eternity. But for us if we love our families and friends we should care enough to make sure when they look at our head stones. They dont have to wonder about the dash. I havent always been the best person I could be I have way too many witnesses to the life I had lead. But know this when that day comes for me and everyone else. When we stand kneel are crawl before the judgment seat of God that dash is ours we cant blame it on this are that are he are she its all on me. So when you go to the cemetery and you see that dash. Make sure yours is one that no one has to worry about.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 23:39:00 +0000

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