Well today alot has finally hit me its been a pretty emotional day - TopicsExpress


Well today alot has finally hit me its been a pretty emotional day for me its finally hit me that after friday my parents and sister will be gone they will be almost 5hrs away i love my family so much my mom is my best friend has been there for me threw everything and ive tried my best to be there for her when she has needed someone. It has finally hit me that if i just feel like going and seeing my parents and sister whenever i want to just because i can i will not be able to do that anymore now i will havta request off of work and take vacations to see them which NO it is not a bad thing because me and my husband would love to take trips to colorado and see things but just the thought of them being that far away and what if i need them, what if something happens. Yes i still have my mother in law and father in law and just found out my sister in law is moving back and hopefully we can get along but its not my mom and dad and sister. Also my great grandma having to be put in a nursing home has been tough on me because i dnt like nursing homes never have had a bad experience or anything just dnt like seeing people in nursing home away from family. Yes she can go places with us have holidays and stuff still and we can go visit her ect but shes not at home shes in a place with alot of other people which is good for her because she can socialize and get into doing things and she wasnt safe at home by herself but just makes me sad to see her in a nursing home and knowing she is getting older and her health does fluctuate and she isnt as healthy as she used to be and to think we dnt kno how much longer shes going to be around scares me because i love her so much shes another best friend shes been there for me also and i have a ton of awesome memories and to lose her would kill me. I just am depressed and having a hard time with dealing with it all. Yes i will get over it and things will all be just fine and work out and yes i have aunts uncles cousins and grandparents here and i have my wonderful husband Jonathon Stiggins who stands by my side lets me cry and just holds me tells me its gunna be ok and i have his family. Its just hard and will take me some time to accept everythin. So if im rude mean dnt talk to u much dnt wave if u wave dnt hear u yelling my name at the store ect its not on purpose im prolly not fully there and just thinking and i apologize ahead of time. Just ask that people be here for me if i need to talk or cry or whatever and understand
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 05:11:55 +0000

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