Well today as we celebrate the birth of Jesus coming as a baby and - TopicsExpress


Well today as we celebrate the birth of Jesus coming as a baby and dying as our Savior but being resurrected as King of the universe may revelation and spiritual understanding be upon you all in a mighty way! May grace empower you to be who Christ called you to be. May your faithfulness to be authentic cause your authority to rise. May your heart embrace His unconditional love to the point that His perfect love will cast down all your fears. May the windows of Heaven be opened in greater measure so that the blessings which you cannot hold be free to come upon you and overtake you. May you be quickened in your inner most being to understand the authority given you to operate as His Ekklesia in the earth causing Heavens will to be done here on earth. May the vision of Christs purpose through your life be so clear that you do not have to alter your speed in order to read it and comprehend it! May the Latter Glory of Christ be greater upon you as His house than the former Glory. This is my declaration for any and all that have cross my life in any way! I count it an Honor to call you all friends!
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 15:01:31 +0000

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