Well today has been an interesting day to say the least. People - TopicsExpress


Well today has been an interesting day to say the least. People are driving terrible (myself included) and our growth spurt stalled today. Momma, Annie, and Little Miss TBPHM Bossy Pants always said there would be days like this. So I ran. I ran again when I didn’t want to. I fought off the urge to quit and just fought harder to run. I’m sore and I’m tired. It was hot. Not as hot as some days but I felt it. And did I mention the drivers? OMG! Terrible and rude! Okay I’m only gone rant on this for like the 2444489th time but no matter what you believe you believe in right and wrong I assume. If not just skip down. But in Christianity we obviously have sins. If I have and I suppose I don’t HAVE to but if hear or read one more time about someone doing something and having to answer to God…well let me restate this…obviously there are some crimes so heinous that of course we are like “Wait till God gets a hold of him or her.” But most of the time here is the deal. A sin is a sin is a sin. God does not see things like we do if you believe as a Christian. If you don’t, skip on down. It’s cool, I’ll be with you in a sec. So one sin is one sin is one sin. EXCEPT BLASPHEMY! That’s it. Now stop with all the other nonsense because according to these people I hear I’m going straight to hell do not pass go because they do not understand that only one sin is mentioned as worse than another. Believe what you want and I don’t care but if you show me in the Holy Bible where it says otherwise then I will agree with you. Yes we are told to not do lots of things and to do lots of things. We try and we are saved by grace and grace alone. And yes I do remember this despite what I say. That doesn’t mean I don’t want personal redemption. I’m a sinner. That’s what I do. I’m not better than anyone. There are people I would like to be put in charge of punishment but again I’m human. I’m also handy with a knife and fire. Sorry for my rant but I read something so STUPID from people who just want attention. And it really makes me mad. Write your book and get rich and go away. I’m not a big believer in the martyr syndrome. I’m a believer in mental illness and it’s affects on people and their ability to handle things. There are plenty of people who can handle a whole hell of a lot. I just have to look at my wife for an example of that. Some of us aren’t quite so blessed. Now I’ll step off my soap box and go back to our regularly scheduled program. Yeah, so I ran through or away from the darkness for another day. I have no idea if I make and ass out of myself or not but I don’t really care. Some of you think I do and maybe I do care but it’s like I said I care to the extent that it makes me care. Now psychoanalyze that. I’m tired and I need to do a share story and I need to finish Chapter 24 so I can post 22 I think or 23 I can’t remember. No it’s 23 because I have a friend I think I mentioned who read all 22 chapters. If I didn’t I had some more Cheech and Chong to go with it and it would be sweet but I may have already used it. I mean I did for sure but maybe not this….see your really lost now and I love when my mind gets wound up and you’re like “WHAAATTTT???? Is he crazy?????” Yes, actually I am a little off but that is okay. If I didn’t mention the 22 chapters someone can tell me and I’ll roll with it later. Someone has to be on the ball out there. I can’t do everything…that is so much a joke since some can’t tell when I’m joking. I’m joking. Alright so I have those things to do and I know I’ve mentioned that I have obviously tried to cut back on my responding as the comments are greater. I read every single comment so keep them coming! I really do appreciate them and all the support. Speaking of support how about a big big hand for Annie? Isn’t she amazing? Isn’t she FABULOUS? She is doing all the work. I need to go through and look at all the pictures and I haven’t had time. Yeah I know…but I haven’t. And I would also like to thank THEE HOT MESS or Little Miss TBPHM Bossy Pants for her unicorn to my Girls and the cover picture. Now that is a picture you should ALLL go like. That is cool. That stamp will be priceless one day! Alright so maybe tomorrow we can double today’s growth rate of one. That would be good. But if we never grow anymore that is fine with me because we have a great page with a great message and we are accepting of all faiths, beliefs, races, colors, creeds, cars, clothes, shoes, politics, socks, belts, hats, sizes, diagnosisissisis, smokers, non-smokers, hipsters, non-hipsters, jocks, dweebs, not nice people, nice people, hair styles, cuts, colors, or no hair (yes especially no hair) we love everybody. We love people in all countries in big houses, small houses, with big cars and small cars. We love people with boats, canoes and those who can swim and even those who can’t. We love the literate and the illiterate but that might be a problem on the page. We love all sports fans. Yes that means you too. So In an all encompassing way we are good if we never grow another like because we are a page of misfits. You’re probably thinking, “I don’t know what the hell he’s talkin’ bout’ I ain’t no misfit!” Okay maybe that is too much but we are people with illnesses and non-illnesses, of people in need and people who are learning. What are you learning by reading this? Not much except the bipolar mind works in very mysterious ways. I’m sure I left someone out but odds are you wear clothes or shoes and if not we love nudists too. Can I ramble any more? No, I don’t think so. So go and be at peace. I may try to work on here later but we good TV to watch and I need to shower and no I do not stink. One of life’s interesting twists is I’m in fantastic physical health and I can run in the heat and sweat like a pig* and come in and I smell fresh as a daisy. I can’t say I’ve ever smelled a daisy but I’m sure I have. When it comes to smelling good, I’m your Huckleberry. And don’t you forget it. Ask Denise…if you don’t believe me. You know she won’t lie. I might, but not on here…don’t forget that. I’m kinda at peace tonight we’ll see how it goes. Take care and have a great night. If you scratch the screen on this post, you can smell me. Seriously. Peace out and God bless!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Jul 2013 00:17:58 +0000

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