Well today is Sunday august 3 already! Where does the days go. It - TopicsExpress


Well today is Sunday august 3 already! Where does the days go. It is time to make changes in my life so I can be a better person a better husband a better family person and better friend! A lot of u know Im bi polar and have been dealing with it all of my life. Its time to make changes in my life so I can live a positive life without anymore pain in my life! My family and friends are important to me and I dont want to lose anymore of them because they dont understand the disease I have! It hasnt been a easy ride for me or my family but Im in treatment now and been taking meds to help my mood disorders. My new pyschotrist tells me its not going to be a easy ride but I need to get out of the funk Im in and start a new chapter of my life! During the years I have giving up all of my favorite hobbies like shooting my bow,target shooting,golfing,paint balling,fishing and gardening! So with turning the page Im going to live my life to the fullest and enjoy the company of my family and friends and continue getting help with my problem! I have found that life is a game you need to find out how to play it and to win at it! So on closing Its going to be a rocky road for me but Im ready to fight for my life and be a better person! And make up with old friends and enjoy there companionship for the rest of my life!
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 16:56:05 +0000

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