Well today is the big 60. Another decade has passed and Im still - TopicsExpress


Well today is the big 60. Another decade has passed and Im still here. Wow! I am so thankful the Lord has so graciously given me these years because there was a time due to my way of thinking and living that I didnt expect to see 30. Therefore I want to publicly give praise to my Heavenly Father for so loving me that He would send His most treasured possession, the highest price, to come and take my sins upon Himself and take my penalty of death in order to give me eternal life. Thank you Jesus that you willingly laid your life down {death} to give me life abundantly. No man took your life because you could have called ten thousand legends of angels to rescue you from barbarian man and still would have been justified in doing so. Yet you saw me! You choose on my behalf to do the Fathers will. I thank you Jesus that when you went to be at the right hand of the Father forever interceding on my behalf that you didnt leave me comfortless and without a promised hope. You sent the Holy Spirit to fill me and to strengthen me by your empowering grace that I may say no to sin and yes to righteousness. You gave me a heavenly language that I may talk to you in an intimate way. Even though Ive stumbled and failed many times your mercy and grace has been new every morning to pick me up to press on to seek to honor you in my weaknesses. For it is there I experience your strength and joy. Because you are seated in heavenly places and because I have been en-grafted in you I am seated with you also in heavenly places. Wow! I have been forsaken by others and I have forsaken and failed others yet you Lord remain. You have never forsaken me. You have been with me always. When I stray in my heart you always came and knocked once again upon its door desiring to continue to dine with me. Through your love for me you have taught me see a person after the spirit and not after the flesh. Because when we focus on the flesh of another we will always see their imperfections. But when we see them after your Spirit we will always see your love for them. Im not a rich man nor have I acquired popularity or fame but I possess a treasure in this jar of clay that is the most priceless possession in the universe. Therefore I am abundantly rich and popular with you Lord. On my journey you have brought people into my life that have proven to be your fingers that touched me to mold and shape me into your image. May your blessings overtake each one! Because of you I have a wonderful faithful wife that loves me. Children and grandchildren that bless me. A job that provides for me and church that encourages me. I didnt deserve any of these yet because of your love for me you gave. I pray Lord that my character and integrity will always be a reflection of you in all I do. May my actions never cause another to stumble or have a wrong view of you. As I walk in the power of your grace may I never cheapen it by covering it with the ways of the world or use it as a license to sin. May my life be a sign that points others to you and not the world. May the world be always behind me and your cross always before me. I desire to hear the clarity of your voice one day say, “Well done good and faithful servant.” If I do it will only be because of you Lord. Just as there are not enough books or time to contain all that you did while on this earth neither is it within my ability to praise you enough for ALL that you have done for me. So from my heart Lord and before the world I want to say, “Thank you for loving me my friend!” 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 (NIV) Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 15:21:33 +0000

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