Well today makes 15 years that we have been husband and wife.. Who - TopicsExpress


Well today makes 15 years that we have been husband and wife.. Who would have thought we would have made it this far!! We certainly have had many obstacles and trials along the way. Our marriage has been through things that in most cases brakes apart marriages and yet here we are, stronger, more in love and we have an over all healthier relationship then when we begin... Not because of anything we have done, because we realized along time ago we only mess it up, but Christ was, is and through prayer will always be the foundation of our relationship... Everett Peterson I love you for so many reasons.. The all time #1 reason is you told me about a man who loves me despite anything I had ever done wrong and told me He would always love and adore me with a love that ran so deep He sacrificed His very son to save me. Trough you telling me of Jesus and taking me to Church we begin our relationship.. Since then God has blessed us with two amazing, awesome, talented and overall remarkable children... Your a wonderful father to them and it shows in them everyday.. So despite every plan and play of the enemy, here we are 15 years later and I would not trade a minute of it for anything else.. I thank my Jesus for you, He hand picked, knitted and crafted the best man for me..I know we are not perfect, we are imperfect people but together we are what God wanted and wants us to be.. You will never know on this side of eternity how much love I have for you, Everett not only did you marry me and give me my happily ever after....You being faithful to our Heavenly Father who told you to tell me of His love for me have given me my happily ever after for all eternity!!!! And this is why I will always love you more, then you love me... I love you now and forever.....
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 19:56:52 +0000

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