Well today marks a year and a half of attempting to make healthy - TopicsExpress


Well today marks a year and a half of attempting to make healthy food choices and crossfit. Yes, I am apart of the cult. But it is a good cult. Lol. I have gotten so much stronger physically and mentally. I feel so much better. I love the workouts, well. Not so much while I am doing them. I have competed in 4 competitions and got a first, a second, and the last competition was with my son and we got first place. I cant describe how much fun it was to be on a team with one of my kids and win 1st place. Just the experience was amazing. Winning was just a bonus. Going to have to get my other kids to do a competition with me. It would be awesome to do a team one. I had a EKG done last week and they first thought the machine was broke because my heart rate was so low. They had to do it 3 times. They asked me what I was doing, I said Crossfit. I guess crossfit works. Tomorrow I will be having surgery on my left shoulder. No, it is not because of crossfit. I hurt it 2 years ago before I started crossfit. Hopefully I will have a quick recovery and will be back to crossfit soon. I need a good athletic trainer to rehab me. It is much easier to rehab someone than to rehab yourself. I have made great gains and now I will have a small obstacle to get over. I once thought I could not do crossfit. Then I saw a young lady with MS doing crossfit. Watched several women with more limitations than I had. I quit making excuses and just started doing. Yes, there are things I can not do. I just modify and keep moving. Someday I hope to be able to do all crossfit movements. Wish me luck tomorrow, say a prayer for my Doctor. May he have wisdom and a steady hand. I think Im going to need to put some ice on it!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 01:46:03 +0000

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