Well today marks the 5th wedding anniversary for me and Jon. 5 - TopicsExpress


Well today marks the 5th wedding anniversary for me and Jon. 5 years ago today we were at the courthouse laughing through the entire ceremony, while my mom sharply whispered “Can’t you two take this seriously?”. We have been together a total of 9 ½ and years and I swear, there are days it still feels like we have only been together a couple of months… He is the love of my life and I cannot imagine my life without him, and I consider myself the luckiest woman in the world that I get to spend my days with him, and that he feels the same about me. I can sum it all up in one conversation we had a couple of years ago, where we were discussing insurance policies, and it somehow came up about who would “kick it” first ( Totally Morbid I Know) . I asked him “ What happens if I die before you babe”. Jon’s response without a beat, in all its glory was this…. “ Well that all depends baby… How long does it take to die of a broken heart?”. I was floored, and speechless… tears welled in my eyes, I threw him a quick High Five for the smooth line, and then kissed his sweet face! Happy Anniversary Jonathon Robert Malwitz!
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 14:04:18 +0000

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