Well today was Chemo day from 7:00 am until 2:45 pm-ish! They - TopicsExpress


Well today was Chemo day from 7:00 am until 2:45 pm-ish! They sped up the delivery of the chemo and told me that my Friday start of the bad days would come sooner. I am doing my best at the moment to prove them wrong but they might be correct. I have been smiling and happy all day and even now but the inside feels rather rough. Trash Can Man is on hand and I hope he is not needed. The doctor said the kidney function was better than it has been and that is good. He said I gained a little weight and that is good but really unusual. He refilled my meds, of which I have not taken in about 9 days and told me to take them if I needed them. So far I can handle it (mind over matter). Or as some of those people who love me say, You are so stubborn! Either way, Superman deals with it. Overall I feel great on the outside and I continue to hope this is working. If not, I know what I am doing is. So if it keeps me smiling, laughing, loving and living - I can live with that! Just an update to let you know chemo day went well. The only problem we had was with my chest port. It would take fluids but never did give blood or anything back so they had to draw blood from my hand. It never did even after all the hydration and chemo. Oh well , maybe its broken. Who knows! Take care until next time and SMILE for me !
Posted on: Thu, 27 Mar 2014 03:04:01 +0000

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