Well today was the first day I met Mark Urbach face to face. We - TopicsExpress


Well today was the first day I met Mark Urbach face to face. We had plans to meet after his nap. I was cleaning a friend Travis house and so we met at 257th and Halsey Plaid Pantry. I remember it was one of the best days of my life. I can count how many best days of my life on one hand, and that was having my son and then daughter then when my two granddaughters were born last but not least meeting Mark. I was excited and nervous and remember having 4 shots of whiskey to calm my nerves. I should of only had two shots lol cause Im not much of a drinker. Maybe on special occasion and social events with friends. I would drink.Anyway he calls me when he gets to plaid pantry and I tell him what kind of car I would be in and Travis took me down to meet him. When I got there and started walking to him he walked and met me. We went straight for a hug. He whispered in my ear its great to finally meet you. We had been talking on phone and online for 10 days whenever we could so it felt as if we knew each other already. I told Travis he could go and Mark opened the door for me to get in his truck. I went to lean over and unlock his door and when he opened it he said yep your a keeper. I laughed and said oh really why? He told me of a movie with Robert DeNiro was in and how his son was getting involved with the Italian mafia. Well this kid had his first date and so one of the boss of the mafia let the kid use his car and gave him tips to watch for to see if she was a keeper or not. One of the tips was if she leaned over to unlock your door then she was a keeper. We laughed and we decided to go to Blue lake and talk for a little while. He had to work the next day so are meeting would be kinda short we just wanted to meet each other before our real date in two days May 18th. 2012. We got to Blue lake and he gets out and comes around to my side and opens door for me. We start walking and talking and he grabs my hand and holds it while we are walking to the lake it was great we talked watched people fish and laughed. He could always make me laugh with the things he would say or how he would say them. A couple of examples are, lol one time I was cooking dinner for him and he saw what it was I was cooking and said oh yea thats going to make a fine turd. Or if he had to go number 2 he say he had to go and drop a growler. Gosh I miss him so much everything about him. Before it was time to get ready to go he asked if he could kiss me and I was already leaning to him to receive his kiss and he must of liked it cause we kissed several more time before he dropped me off home. I know I liked it. Well back to. Blue lake. I remember him saying so your a drinker huh? I laugh and said today I am and explained I was nervous but no not a drinker all the time. He laughed and said ok good, cause he didnt drink much at all. I think in the year and 8 months we had together he had 3 beers. I remember when we where heading back to truck that we had our arms round each others waist like we had been lovers for awhile. It was great. So he takes me home and gets out of truck to open my door and hugged and kissed and said talk to u later and see you in two days. I get in house and my Bestie ( Jessica) asked me how it was. I told her I feel like a teenager in love for the first time. I was 46 then and I never had that feeling of a teenager in love ever. So the song teenage dream by Katie perry was my song to him. We would text each other little things all day long all the time. And one day he text I feel Ive been locked out of heaven. I text him saying I make u feel locked out of heaven? He calls me and said its part of a song he just heard on the radio. So I go to computer and type in those words and it was a song by Bruno Mars. I listened to song and asked him so is this song to me and he said yes it is baby. It was the best day knowing he felt that way. You know we had both been married before and I said I was never going to marry again and he said the same thing. But after a year together I wanted to get married cause I knew it was for the right reasons. So I mentioned it to him and I didnt get a no way or yes just a little smart comment here and there I could tell he was thinking about it but wasnt ready to go there yet. It had only been a year. But a couple times after that like when his mom was going to get married he said so u want a double wedding? I laughed and told him that I would rather go to court house and get married there so we could save the money for a real good honeymoon somewhere. That day that he died January 2 2014 I get a text from him saying I know u care Lois and I love you this is going to be one of our best years. Then two hours later his sister Angie calls to tell me she was on her way to pick me up cause Scott her husband had got a call cause Mark used him for emergency contact and that he had a heart attack. We rushed to hospital where he died before we got there. He was only 48 and died of a massive heart attack. That was the third saddest days in my life. The first was when my mom passed away and the second was when I had to put down my furry soulmate just a less then a month before Mark died. I miss them so much and Im so thankful that I had them in my life. R.I.P my loves. I will always remember you.
Posted on: Sat, 17 May 2014 02:12:29 +0000

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