Well trauma event is over todays results were 30 & 35% blocked - TopicsExpress


Well trauma event is over todays results were 30 & 35% blocked balloon procedure cleared them of blockages. Im told my color has improved and I feel much better already. I went in the doors @ 08:30 took me in @ 11:45 procedure was about an hour & fifteen minutes recovery was completed by 16:00 1, 10mg Lipitor daily for the next year. I am so thankful for the support of my Wife Cathy & our children Michael, Virginia, Christina, Patrick Not to forget the Grandsons Nick, Mack & Will & My brothers Craig Randy & Bill I am grateful for all the friends & family support as well. I was not the least bit intimidated until they rolled me into the operating room with the 15 or so technicians & numerous monitors and equipment not to mention the elaborate control room for it all. God Bless you all and God Bless America we are so blessed to live in the land were we have access to these types of medical facilities, personnel & equipment. Now to describe the medical benefits or should I say lack of benefits cost for procedure $4854 Doctors bill yet to be determined My Obama policy is 1224.50 month with annual deductible amount $5000.00 with a 80/20 payment. My old policy $625 00 annual deductible $1000.00 90/10 that is they pay 80% I Pay 20% . I have had this since my old provider I had since 1991 Principal Financial stopped offering Medical coverage once Obama Care went into affect they said in 2010 that if it Obama care was enacted they would not continue coverage they canceled all policies 02/28/2012. I am a Throat Cancer Survivor and cannot afford to be without coverage my Medications and checkups are very expensive I have had to take out medical loans each year for the $5000 X 3 thats 15,000 including this last procedure and I still have the doctors bill to go. I still need more procedures for the arteries in my legs. This administration has attacked me at every angle Medical , Food , Energy Job not to mention what it has done to my childrens families. The sad and frightening truth is the real affect of this administration is yet to come like hyper inflation & devaluation of our currency & destruction of our military the loss of religious freedoms and rights guaranteed us are no longer guaranteed & the loss of privacy by the NSA the failure to enforce Immigration laws, The failure to enforce many laws . We must attempt to educate all our friends and neighbors We must Unite and Vote these traitors out and demand the restoration of America by the new representatives or be prepared to watch the final death blows to our Republic.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 00:24:18 +0000

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