Well waking quite early again and i am scratching the palm of my - TopicsExpress


Well waking quite early again and i am scratching the palm of my left hand so i google it and try to get an answer and this is the answer i get IF YOUR RIGHT ITCHES YOUR GETTING MONEY IF YOUR LEFT ITCHES YOUR GOING TO GIVE MONEY hmmmmmm i tell myself lol oh well only time will tell.....all i know i am up thinking an action plan and what to do with the info. that was provided to me, and where to start, and all i come up with is things must start by being righteous and start leading our people and fixing the bad and to me it may look impossible to our eyes, but in the eyes of God nothing is impossible. I read this passage this morning saying: You are always righteous, O Lord (Jeremiah 12:1), and the psalmist declared, The Lord is righteous (Psalms 129:4). What is the meaning of this phrase which all of Scripture attributes to God? To speak of the attribute of the righteousness of God means that God is always right. No matter how things look from our human perspective, no matter how confused life seems to be, no matter how uncomfortable we are with the circumstances of our lives, this is a truth we can hold on to: God is always right. A critic was disparaging Gods creation one day. Its all backwards, the man complained. Look at the foolish way God has done things. He put the little acorn on a tree where it has a strong limb to support it. But he put the watermelon on a little flimsy vine that cant even hold it up. If I were God, he asserted, I would put the watermelon on the tree and the acorn on the vine. Just as these words came out of his mouth, an acorn fell out of the tree and hit him on the head! God is always right. When Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers, he probably said to himself, God is making a big mistake. Later he could see Gods hand in all that happened to him, and he had to admit, God was right. When God chose Gideon to lead His people to victory, a man self-professed to be the weakest member of the weakest family of the weakest tribe in all Israel, many must have shaken their heads and muttered, God is making a big mistake this time. But when Gideon tore down the idols and led Gods people to victory, all of Israel had to admit, God was right. When Jesus limp, dead body was taken from the cross and placed in the tomb, and the reality of His death began to sink in on the disciples, they gathered in the upper room, sealed the door and secured the windows, and began to cry among themselves, God has really blown it this time. Three days later, when Jesus broke forth from the grave in the power of God and the ignominy of the cross was changed into the glory of the cross by whose power men and women of every generation were to be saved, the world had to declare in unison, God was right. God is always right. That is what Paul is saying. Let me tell you what that means. Because God is always right, we can trust Him. At times, we cannot understand the things that are happening in our lives. Problems come that we do not think we deserve. Temptations come which we do not think we can handle. Anxiety begins to erode the confidence of our lives. At those times, we need to hear again this word: God is always right, and therefore we can trust Him. Sometimes, it is true that we have to let the ages speak to the hours. Nevertheless, the truth stands: God is always right, so we can trust Him. Because God is always right, we should obey Him. Dwight Sutherland, Irene I. Linklater.
Posted on: Sat, 19 Oct 2013 10:02:09 +0000

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