Well we are back from the Hawaiian islands and wow what a - TopicsExpress


Well we are back from the Hawaiian islands and wow what a wonderful 2 weeks of paradise! We spent the first week in Maui then flew to Kauai for the 2nd week! I said way back after my surgery I was going to be able to surf when I went but I fell through on that promise and I ask forgiveness! As much as my youthful mind wanted to so badly my back spoke very loud and clear it was not able! I did enjoy a lot of snorkeling and it really helped me I feel. I told my Dr. last time I saw him I thought water aerobics probably would help and he never said anything about it. I tried it the first day we was there and it took a lot of stress of my back but again still not enough for me to try to surf!! It really was upsetting to me that I couldnt or was free from enough pain to even want to try it! Oh well, the ALOHA of Hawaii made up for it and I got to relax in a way I just cant sitting here at the house all day! Ive got some great pics but I lost some great video due to the fact I lost my GoPro the very last day of our vacation! One video, I promise this is true, was where we were snorkeling and my son saw a seal. We swam out to see it and when I did I really thought the poor thing was stuck in between two rocks, so I kept watching it to see if I needed to alert the lifeguard! It kept squirming and squirming then all the sudden it shot out from the rocks and swam straight toward me and as it was about 3ft from me it opened its mouth like it was going to eat my GoPro and in the video you see bubbles from me swimming away and then you see it swimming toward my son and then he starts walking on the water to get away from it lol!!!! It really depressed me when I lost it on the Napali Coast tour as I also had some great dolphin video! Oh well I do still have my pics!! Promise to post them soon!!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 18:58:52 +0000

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