Well, we are nearly to the month of April and I find myself - TopicsExpress


Well, we are nearly to the month of April and I find myself wondering where the time went. I was hired in September of 2013 and looking where we are at today, I have seen a lot of positive changes. In the past seven months I have slowly and gradually started molding the youth program. Up to this point I have put on several events that the youth have been a part of. We took a trip to Six Flags for Christmas, had a 5th quarter, enjoyed having a super bowl party, went bowling during Spring Break and we have more to come. The youth will be going to D-Now in Jasper April 4-6 and I know that they are looking forward to that. Also, we will be having a cake auction in April to help raise funds for camp. I want to continue to keep doing things and only grow from here. Looking at the numbers there have been 17 students that have walked through the youth program here at Anthony Drive. My first Wednesday night I started with 3 youth and we now average anywhere from 8-12 students. I don’t know what you were expecting when I was hired on, but I can tell you just by looking at those numbers I am pleased with where we are at now. I have had several members of the church pull me to the side and tell me that so and so kid has changed (for the positive) and is doing things he or she would have never done before. I can’t tell you personally how the kids were like before I got here, but I can tell you that I have seen a change in them from the time I got here until now. I believe the kids are growing and maturing before my very eyes and it is a true blessing to be a part of. I say all this to come to one point…..I need your help. Am I pleased with where we are at now? Yes, but I don’t want to become complacent. Complacency is a killer in the Christian faith. We should strive everyday to become better and aim for perfection. Since we will never be able to achieve perfection, that means we have something new to do every day. There are a lot of great ministries going on at Anthony Drive and I want to see others come and be a part of them. When we have a growth in the congregation, we have a growth in youth, children, etc. Anthony Drive has so much to offer, we just need to get the word out there. I have truly been blessed to be called the Youth Minister of Anthony Drive Baptist and I look forward to what God has in store for the future. Bro. Trey
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 18:16:31 +0000

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