Well we cant hvave Tgivng eve without a novella long rant can we? - TopicsExpress


Well we cant hvave Tgivng eve without a novella long rant can we? :) Before anyone perhaps may start it through the grapevine why I can no longer take being a part of my Great Great Grandfathers descendants namesakes Fbook group I would like to make some things clear : No offense is intended to Mitchell, Tommy or any of their extended families who I love very much and who are light years in class and brains above the people I am referring to. But in my 3 plus years on said group I have seen the following 1. An elderly person of this group basically said that all muslims, gay people, wiccans, and Catholics and basically everyone else who isnt a right wing lunatic should be burned in the streets before we pray for them because thats what the Lord would want. 2. A not so elderly person recently posted that lynching Obama meme and when I made the mistake of freaking out instead of just blocking them immediately, told me I was narrow minded and judgmental as the entire thread was filled with people giggling and cheering over said meme. 3. I cant even begin to ennumerate what they have said about Ferguson. and 4. It seems that life achievements, career achievements, school awards or what have you are completely not important because, well it seems the only thing this group values is who is procreating. Folks far and wide, Grandpa Waddle ( we have had tons of name spell changes LOL) was not exactly the pillar of moral turpitude, but he was NOT a sociopath, same for my Dad. My dad was not the easiest person to understand or deal with at times, but he was brilliant , hardworking, moral, and despite his faults , an upright and wonderful human being in his own way. Yours truly is far from a pleasant man a great deal of the time. I am misanthropic, bitter and off the charts weird. But I dont worship a Lord that advocates the mass murder of people different than me. So, as the only living male from this DIRECT line per my Dad, I know they in heaven find anything under our common name condoning such disgust appalling, shameful and vomitous. Therefore, I am quite vocally disavowing myself from this group and this threadline. -- Happy Thanksgiving Eve.. Paul Kellach Waddle :)
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 23:54:50 +0000

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