Well we did it Team Kanda. Challenge Completed. When the going - TopicsExpress


Well we did it Team Kanda. Challenge Completed. When the going gets tough, the tough get going (they should write a song about that) :-) x My body is really trashed today, but will recover in time, my brain is a bit frazzled, due to the enormous amount of mental and physical exertions and lack of sleep on the day and hopefully will too :-) First, some very special mentions. To Lovely Emma, the inspiration behind the challenge, I had to finish it :-) x To Aaron, the most awesome wingman you can count upon, cycling, tweeting and looking after me all day. To Peter, what an amazing friend, doing all the driving support, photo taking, and being there when we needed him most, cheers guys :-) The utterly amazing support was truly mind blowing, friends cheering, running, cycling, cooking bacon butties and hot tea, updating progress, looking after me, keeping me going, one step at a time, family, parkrunners, Roadrunners. I owe everyone so much for helping us achieve what at some points looked like and felt impossible, but you dig deep, then even deeper, when the pain is so bad walk, at least you are going forward. At Newbury after an amazing reception, started feeling nauseous and had to sit on the ground for a very long time, my body wasnt allowing me to eat even though I knew I had to, in fact the only food I had from then on in (last 20 miles) was 1 mars bar and an apple and small piece of cake, I was still drinking water and coke which kept me going, even though I was now running on empty, but with help of some amazing friends got going again. I was really determined to go on once got running again did some petty good kilometres and got to Woolhampton, I was determined to finish however painful, kept thinking about why I was doing this challenge and some amazing friends said Dave if you really want to continue, we will go with you, what amazing friends to do something like that, didnt have to ask me twice, we ran in a posse of runners and cyclists, darkness fell so headlight were borrowed, everyone looking out for everyone else. Totally overwhelmed at the Cunning Man Pub by the number of people, thought we would be on our own, what a lovely surprise, an amazing banner and so many congratulations, thank you guys, needed that boost. I didnt know if anyone realised I still wanted to finish at TVP, so started to mention it and a while later we would be off again, there was no way now I wasnt going to finish this, some new support runners/cyclists added, thank you all for looking after me, checking how I wanted to run/walk this, legs were totally shot by the time we got near Reading, but there onwards we went, my Right quads were killing me, but was boosted yet again by chalked messages on the paths towards TVP. Started running again as I knew Reading parkrun wasnt far away, nothing could stop me now. Just gone 11pm, so 23 hours of running, didnt know what to expect at a very dark TVP, but as got closer to finish line I could see so many people, cheering, klaxons going off, totally overwhelmed by this amazing emotional experience, couldnt believe so many friends had come to support this late on. I could finally stop running and celebrate with everyone :-) x It was so lovely to see Emma, Aaron, Pete and everyone at the finish, still cant believe this all happened, and all in one day, cheers everyone involved in the day, each and everyone of you played an important role in getting me from Bristol to Reading, and I thank you all, wow that was one big Sunday adventure will remember this day for ever :-) x Thank you so much everyone for your amazing support, we have raised £2175 (with gift aid), that is a phenomenal amount :-) Will keep the fundraising page open for a while longer if anyone else would like to donate to this wonderful cause, the Challenge is completed, Team Kanda we did it :-) x https://justgiving/DavidLewisKandA/
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 17:32:35 +0000

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