Well we did the show last night and all was fine with Patrick - TopicsExpress


Well we did the show last night and all was fine with Patrick Hutchinson until the very last reading at 10pm when he slipped again..... took him outside and he was quickly able to refocus... I told him dont worry its 10pm so just end the show but he said no he would finish the last reading for the lady he was with which he did....... as me and Sam were getting packed up he went outside but I sent Sam after him a few minutes later and he had slipped so a lady kindly came and told me and again we got him focused and the drive home was fine ..... he is definately managing the slips better and able to refocus quite quickly but he just gets so upset about it and keeps saying he doesnt want to live like this ... which saddens me dreadfully..... but as I said to him last night it is only 40 days today since he had his op and all his problems started after that so in recuperation time its not very long at all and he has come such a long way since those days when we only had our normal Patrick for 4 minutes a day.... now he may slip and in a day that may only account for 20 minutes which is nothing in comparison. I explained we just have to keep going and keep working with it (or really he has to as I can only support him) in the hope that eventually it will be gone altogether. I said it doesnt matter how long it takes or if he does slip for a bit at work ... people will just have to understand thats the way it is... his mediumship is spot on the rest of the time so they are not losing anything just have to be patient with him. Its so hard for him though because of the way he normally is he feels this is a weakness on his part and he hates to show weakness!!!! Never mind we will plod on and the kids and I will support him all the way and will always protect him and give him the care and love he deserves... hope everyone will understand this Thanks xxxx
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 14:41:16 +0000

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