Well, we have several small items today, some good and some bad: - TopicsExpress


Well, we have several small items today, some good and some bad: (1) There is a large development around here called Century Village (From the stories that come out, I think you have to be at least 100 years old to live there.) An Egyptian Goose and her husband Gandhi Gander set up shop in a median on a heavily traveled road and nested nine eggs. The whole development fed them (many using their walkers and scooters to get to the nest), spritzed them with water to keep them cool, and set up traffic barriers to protect them. As a reslt of their efforts, everything turned out perfect. . . .(2) Looks like I am legally safe from all of my friends for awhile, thanks to a ruling from the Supreme Court (Coates v. Cincinnati in 1971). The ruling was the word annoying is too vague to support a criminal charge. So all of my hateful friends will have to get more specific the next time I am accused of being annoying. . . . (3) A very high ranking Publix executive started out bagging groceries for 85 cents an hour. Yesterday, he retired after 47 years. How did he spend his last day at work? Bagging groceries. And the word is he never broke one egg or smashed one loaf of bread. (This story made me think of the wonderful comments from Terri Ann Campbell this week, which you should see if you missed them.). . . . (4) My horoscope today says I may soon make a visit to an exotic place. Quite a coincidence. I had just started preparations to visit Morrow, Ohio, and Long Shoal, Kentucky. Do you think the scope was wrong and should have made the word place plural? . . . . Finally, it looks as if the EPA is getting active again. This time they want to regulate the amount of methane gas that goes into the air. I know we dealt with this issue sometime ago. But I am wondering if Rebecca Sandlin Coleman has found a way to regulate her 1800 cows, as cattle are seen by the EPA as a leading source of methane.
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 17:48:56 +0000

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