Well we havent had a very exciting week and not much to update on. - TopicsExpress


Well we havent had a very exciting week and not much to update on. Maylin has had a cold most of the week with a really runny nose but no fever. I have gotten some extra snuggles from her which I love. I was looking back at some old pictures today and its amazing how much progress Maylin has made since she finished chemo five months ago. She went from not eating anything except for formula one or two ounces at a time to eating almost everything, has gone from 14 pounds to almost 20 pounds, went from not being mobile to crawling now to cruising everywhere as well as standing on her tippy toes to reach things and also sometimes letting go and standing without holding onto anything, and has went from not having any hair to having quite a bit of hair. A lot of new people who meet her asks how old she is and we always get told that shes really petite for her age. I dont really notice until she is with other kids younger than her and they are bigger than she is. She seems like she has grown so much to me but of course she weighed 13-14 pounds for seven months straight so I guess she would seem so much bigger to me. Thank you for all of the advice to try to get Maylin to take more fluids. We tried most all of everyones ideas. We have actually started to put water in her milk and that is working well so far. Hopefully this will help her kidney numbers be better next month. A lot of you have messaged and asked about what happened with our shih tzus we were trying to find a home for a couple of months ago because we didnt feel like they were getting the care and attention they needed at the time due to Mays extensive care. Well, we had 3 different great families and each one kept having something happen at the last minute to where they couldnt take them ( such as a new diagnosed illness, surgery, etc.). It became really discouraging because there were so many wonderful people but something kept happening. I believe that God had other plans for them to remain with us and everything happens for a reason. We still have them with us and our new house has a fenced in back yard for us to let them out to play if we are busy with Maylin. We also dont have nearly as many appointments for May as we used toso we are home most of the time now and they are getting the love and attention they need. May loves them so much and likes to share her cheerios with them! Our goal for Maylin this next week is to hopefully get rid of her yucky cold. Her poor nose is probably raw from being suctioned out so much and wiped as well. Because of her being immunosuppressed it takes her longer to get over things than most children.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 04:03:30 +0000

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