Well, we saw the Ortho vet and Im still trying to process e all I - TopicsExpress


Well, we saw the Ortho vet and Im still trying to process e all I saw and heard; I have never been so angry and disappointed in my life. This man is nothing but a salesman... He offered his expertise, told us of the great prices he could get for us on medications and food. The food...lmbo. He offered us Top Quality dog food for $50.00 a bag. Now, my friend Liz Lemmel taught me how to know if a food is decent or not. The first 7-10 ingredients should be meat, veggies, fruits, etc. This food he wanted us to buy? The first ingredient was Ground Chicken By Product Meal! This is what is left over when everything edible has already been used. Beaks, feet, bone, etc. He said Tully does not need surgery yet, but I was skeptical of everything this man said. Oh, Tully will need surgery sooner or later, but it MUST BE a hip replacement because he doesnt believe in FHO. I asked how much it would cost and he said between $5000.00 and $7000.00. He didint like that Tully was on pain medicine, said he was fat and should weigh 85 lbs; ( He DID weigh 85 lbs when we first brought him home and you could see every rib clearly. ) He said my dog will become an Addict and will act out if we take him off the pills now, because he is already dependent on them. No, he isnt, Idiot. I assess Tully 3X a day, and medicate him appropriately. Some mornings are a two Tramadol kind of day, while other days are so good that I give one pill at bedtime and that is it. What a flaming bag of SH*T he was! He never touched Tully, even though our stressed out boy wagged his tail and wanted a pet. He didnt talk to him, didnt acknowledge him in any way. Tulls was a bit freaked out and clung to us like moss to a rock. Tully does indeed have Osteo-Arthritis, and we left with a Anti-Inflammatory that cost $97.00 for 30 pills. I am so disappointed and upset, and so is Pete & Tully. Tulls was such a good boy, even when this person insulted our knowledge of White Shepherds, and blamed us for Tullys anxiety issues. We could not get away from that egotistical, snotty, mean-spirited Vet fast enough. I have a call in to Dr. Melissa, who will be very disappointed. She trained this man before he opened his private practice, and Melissa is one of the kindest, sweetest, and most knowledgeable vets I have ever met. So...there it is. We feel he said Tully doesnt need surgery, because he knows we cannot pay that huge price. I think its time for a Jack Daniels & Coke with a twist of lime. Leave the bottle, please. :/
Posted on: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 20:18:45 +0000

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