Well we will see what today brings. I am loathe to use Facebook as - TopicsExpress


Well we will see what today brings. I am loathe to use Facebook as a place to air our frustration with the Health system we have been in for the last two years but to give followers some idea of where Lachlans care is at I will put the following out there so people understand our position as a family. For 2 years we have struggled in the Qld health system with a seriously ill child. We have top private health insurance but what Lachlan needs is not available in Qld in the private system and so we are in the public health system. In our view his care has been slow and disjointed. It is our view that Lachlan is here because of his family Toowoomba Ambulance and Toowoomba Base Hospital who have been responsible for providing outstanding care to our son. We will be forever grateful to this medical professionals. As for getting what we need in a timely manner outside of Toowoomba this has been extremely difficult despite us being organised parents. We do everything in writing and we advocate hard for our beautiful child. At the moment we are waiting for VNS surgery which should reduce the severity and frequency of Lachlans seizures. We were told in March it was funded and finally signed all the paperwork for surgery on the 15th May. We were told July August for surgery. Yesterday I pressed the powers to be for a surgery date as Lachlans situation has deteriorated in recent weeks. They still cannot give me a date for surgery. We will give the powers to be some more time to find a date for surgery however our situation is an untenable situation as in our view Lachlan is at risk of death. After 6 times on life support and 48 status ellipticus seizures of between 40 minutes and 3 hours and small seizures most days that include vomiting etc for now almost 2 years now. As a family we cannot subject Lachlan to further delays and we have articulated this bery clearly to our medical people. Our beautiful child has suffered enough. As readers can appreciate we cannot on Facebook put all that has happened up for public consumption but to say as a family we are frustrated is an understatement. I am sick of watching my child fight for his life over and over and over. I do not wish to take another ambulance ride with Lachlan being hand bagged to keep him breathing. Enough is enough. This beautiful child deserves better.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 22:52:14 +0000

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