Well, weird is on my mind. How strange our culture is was pointed - TopicsExpress


Well, weird is on my mind. How strange our culture is was pointed out when a former transportation secretary was asked on tv I guess it was, to seriously respond to the notion that that missing plane was swallowed by a black hole, the Bermuda triangle, or like in Lost. She pointed out that even a small black hole would take our solar system, the triangle she said was weather related, and reminded the guy that Lost was a tv show. She did not call these questions stupid but lowered herself to answer the tv host. If I were her, at that question I would have gotten up and walked away, what an insult. But it is like Obama congratulating the Botherhood on its win in Egypt back yonder, the will of the people he thought, despite the botherhood wanting to build an Islamist empire that will encompass the land around the Mediterranean, and then stretch to China (all this was on their website, evidently Obama cant read). That guy Biden, the dad of Jerry Brown, or is it the other way around? Said the world has changed and Putin doesnt get it; does he need to? The Botherhood hasnt noticed this imaginary Biden difference either. Obama likes democracy (well his form), but wait, he does not accept the Crimea vote, well he has to as he cant do anything about it but run his mouth, but he and Debbie Clinton have to talk tough, even without substance, as an election is coming up; like tv wrestling, the public buys the show. The Arab Emirates, I think it is, and Saudi Arabia have classified the Botherhood as a terrorist organization. The German lady boss said Putin is not in touch with reality. Reality is a funny thing; it lays in contingency even as idea-that is what nature, or the world is. Only dolts think that this contingency is viewed the same by all peoples, everywhere, and at all times. This is the trick of perception, one thinks what one perceives is the absolute truth and in its more dumb form, one thinks the way they perceive, since everyone else has eyeballs and ears, is the way everyone else sees things just like them, and if not, something is wrong with the others. This misunderstands that reality is associated with the idea, and ideas vary as all sensate data gets filtered through ideas (and I am sure one knows where ideas come from); it has been known for centuries, until us moderns, that perception was the near lowest form of thought with its attempt to get around thought. Obama is a dumb head and so is that German lady, and both are in a hubris of Western construction. Putin I think knows reality, Obama does not, because reality is an idea, not that stuff out there beyond the eyes. The mistake was the change in the understanding of the word is. This was a big evasion used by Bubba Clinton when trying to get out of that Monica deal and everybody laughed at this tactic. That was because everyone thinks they know what is means. The distinction here is that when you use is you mistakenly imply Being to things, and then one thinks all this is stuff exists. What this existing does is remove the contingency of things, and then strips the cosmos of the Idea. This is Western regressive thinking we are all trained in, and no one seems to worry about education from this angle. However, to have things in becoming rather than is, they must come from something else (we all know this and yet we dont), and that is the idea of them, and these becoming things then return to the idea (this makes knowledge), the things being a manifestation of the idea-this should be obvious as finite things exist through other things, if these had Being they would all be independent in-and-for-themselves and would rise from themselves and fall from themselves (of course that is exactly the Western error which observation tricks us into thinking). Crimea in its manifestation, like all finite things, exists through other things, it does not have the Being that we attribute to it either, the Being that Obama thinks it has; all finite things are posited by other things and just as well gobbled up by other finite things, finite things, whatever they are have no Being; they are merely a moment of an idea. For this contingency, I do not need is or Being, but I need becoming. Becoming is the principle category of the finite. In the Being or is notion that we have, stuff just is: it Be, my senses tell me so, that settles it. Right now in our culture very big errors in mind are being put into place because of all this, but who cares? With Being or is, temporal stuff takes on eternal character, but they are not this, but as eternal stuff that we take it for, because it has the Being we mistakenly think, there is no idea in it, mind is not in it, mind is external (the thing then transcends the mind-Kant), and we think the idea comes after the thing, is tagged onto it, and the idea has no reality, which of course, means that mind is not real, and the stuff, the becoming stuff of reality is then thought to be real, a reversal and a loss of thought. This is the West, and of course our government and social systems look stupid, because we are saying that there is no mind in it all; but of course, if everyone is this dumb, it comes off brilliantly. The postmodern was the real death ring for mind, perhaps it was the extreme point that mindlessness can go, one has to wait and see if a people can possible get any dumber. The postmodern is based in contingency (accidental characteristics of people), and elevates it up to an infinite principle, something that is truly a contradiction and not the good kind that lays in logic. We are now a people that infinitizes the finite, and make the infinite finite. When a people reach this stage, as a brain guy once said, it is too late, the society has euthanized logic. This reason as logic was hog tied by Kant, adopted by the rational Enlightenment, and finally killed by the post modern and delivered up to us like room service.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 19:48:52 +0000

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